Keeping it Real… Safe

I’m excited to be getting back to work, and helping to serve you!

As we begin to re-open the Michigan real estate market there are a few things I have to ask in order to keep everyone safe while following CDC, state, and association guidelines. These requests also apply to photos, pre-listing appointments, inspections, final walkthroughs, and any other appointment related to your real estate needs.

First and foremost: Please notify me if any person occupying or entering the property has been exposed to, diagnosed with, or quarantined as a result of COVID-19 or is experiencing fever, cough, shortness of breath or other cold or flu-like symptoms.

For home sellers or prospective home sellers:

  • Prior to and after any appointment or showing, please clean and disinfect all frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, handles, light switches, and countertops.
  • For all appointments, please unlock all doors, turn on lights/lamps, and open blinds to let light in and reduce surface contact.
  • For pre-listing walkthroughs, please open all interior doors.
  • For all new listings, please advise if you do not wish to allow in-person showings.
  • For any appointment that you must be present at the home, please remain on the opposite level of the home or exit the structure and maintain a 6 foot distance.
  • Please note that open houses are not allowed at this time.

For home buyers or prospective home buyers:

  • I will be providing a release form for every showing requested that must be signed prior to the showing taking place.
  • Please do not touch any surface or share items (pens, phones, tablets, etc) with others at the showing.
  • Please consider wearing gloves and a mask while viewing the home.
  • Please use hand sanitizer immediately prior to entering the home and upon exiting prior to getting into your car.

For everyone:
Please also note that there are restrictions in place on the number of people (4) that can be present in a home at one time, and those persons must maintain a 6 foot distance at all times. In addition, any conversation with a buyer or seller outside of a showing (where, by law, I must be present with the buyer) will not be conducted in-person. I have text messaging, email, IM, Zoom, phone, and more at my disposal for any needed conversation.

I appreciate your support and help to keep everyone safe.  

It all started with a sign… complaint

Late last year I was enjoying the best sales year of my career thanks in part to some of the best clients I’ve ever had. That success led to a relationship with some amazing buyers that I helped snag their dream home in my own neighborhood who allowed me to put my sold sign in their yard after closing… which is when things got interesting…

For those who’ve followed my career you know I was a Keller Williams agent. That choice was made largely in part based on their willingness to let their agents advertise as they saw fit (Note: In the state of MI you have to work for a broker for at least 3 years). Then came a new 2017/18 state of Michigan law with very explicit rules around what was and was not allowed in an agents advertising – specifically signage.

… back to that sign in my buyer’s yard… a few weeks after closing I received a letter from our local real estate association that my sign was not in compliance. You see, my name was 1/16 of an inch larger than my broker’s name – which is an unforgivable sin, apparently.

As I stewed over the complaint on a trip to my parents an idea began to take hold. Faced with no other choice then to replace all of my signs (they are not cheap), I refreshed my memory and did some research on the requirements to get a broker’s license in Michigan. Thanks to my amazing clients in 2018 I found myself eligible to sit for the broker’s exam – and this time it was for keeps. Game on!

90 or so hours later I was ready sit for my broker exam, and passed!!! A few forms, signs, and many dollars later FreedomRE is now an independent entity ready to accept clients with the same world class service I’ve always provided (granted, it’s gotten much better as I’ve learned the ropes – apologies to past clients that endured my learning curve – professional photos anyone??).

Anyway, the point of this post is to say “thank you” to whoever the anonymous troll was with nothing better to do with their time than report an insanely minor infraction. Without your push over the edge who knows, maybe I would still be schlepping my old broker with my hard earned commissions.

As always, for those who have put their trust in me to get the job done, I am eternally grateful. For those looking to work with someone that will give them the attention and appreciation they deserve I welcome you. For anyone that refers me to their family member, friend, or co-worker I will never forget you, and promise you I will do everything in my power to get the results desired!

#freedomre #nonstop #lansing #real estate

December 2018 Lansing Real Estate Report

Welcome to the December 2018 edition of the Lansing Real Estate Report! Below you’ll find what happened last month in the school district of your choice.

Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, or know someone who may – I’m here to provide an #unreal experience. Contact me today!

School District Sold Listed
Okemos 27 18
Haslett 16 11
Mason 14 14
Holt 25 19
East Lansing 23 16
DeWitt 14 13
Grand Ledge 26 19
Williamston 4 8
Waverly 27 14
Lansing 127 115